
Conscious Breathing and Healing Gongs 5 week Series

We are excited to offer a five week committed group series here at the new Gong Temple at Kootenay Sound Healing Centre 

Each week there will be a focus, Group sharing, full Breath session,  Acutonics Attunment,  Gong Sound Healing session as part of the Conscious Breath session;

This is a great opportunity to  connect in a deeper way to your own knowingness and ability to heal what ever might be in the way of your success and happiness

 Five Week Committed Group:

from 1:30 PM to 5:00 PM  Sundays starting:

Sunday Feb. 2nd: Early Childhood Trauma and Bonding, Healing through Conscious Breathing and Acutonics, How breath, sound and acutonics affect the healing process

Sunday Feb. 9th: How feeling our deep feelings and emotions can help us become accountable for our own happiness and higher consciousness

Sunday Feb 23rd: How our relationship with our parents and family system influences our lives.

Sunday March 1st: Developing deeper, clearer healthy relationships 

Sunday March 8th: Acceptance and Gratitude

The cost is $250.00 plus 12:50 GST

Location: Gong Temple at Kootenay Sound Centre ,691 Riondel Road, 4 Kms down Riondel Road

To Register or for more info: call Blanche at 250- 505-6166 or e-mail lifeshift@bluebell.ca , Register early as space is limited

  Blanche Tanner have been co-facilitating workshops for personal growth and life enhancement for over 35 years.

Web site: www.lifeshiftseminars.com

Theresa Lee Morris, Teacher and Practitioner from Kootenay Sound Healing Centre

Web-Site:    www.kootenaysoundhealing.ca